MADNESS  version 0.9
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  This file is part of MADNESS.
4  Copyright (C) 2007,2010 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20  For more information please contact:
22  Robert J. Harrison
23  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
24  One Bethel Valley Road
25  P.O. Box 2008, MS-6367
27  email:
28  tel: 865-241-3937
29  fax: 865-572-0680
31  $Id$
32 */
36 #include <iostream>
37 #include <cmath>
38 #include <vector>
56 template <typename T>
58 protected:
59  double lo; //< Interpolation is in range [lo,hi]
60  double hi; //< Interpolation is in range [lo,hi]
61  double h; //< Grid spacing
62  double rh; //< 1/h
63  int npt; //< No. of grid points
64  std::vector<T> a; //< (1+4)*npt vector of x and polynomial coefficients
66  // Cubic interp thru 4 points ... not good for noisy data
67  static void cubic_fit(const double* x, const T* f, T* a) {
68  double x0_2 = x[0] * x[0], x1_2 = x[1] * x[1], x2_2 = x[2] * x[2], x3_2 = x[3] * x[3];
69  double x0_3 = x[0] * x[0] * x[0], x1_3 = x[1] * x[1] * x[1], x2_3 = x[2] * x[2] * x[2], x3_3 = x[3] * x[3] * x[3];
71  a[0] = -(-x0_3 * x2_2 * x[3] * f[1] + x0_3 * x[2] * x3_2 * f[1] - x0_3 * f[3] * x[2] * x1_2 + x0_3 * x[3] * f[2] * x1_2 + x0_3 * f[3] * x2_2 * x[1] - x0_3 * x3_2 * f[2] * x[1] + x0_2 * x1_3 * f[3] * x[2] - x0_2 * x1_3 * f[2] * x[3] + x0_2 * x3_3 * f[2] * x[1] + x0_2 * f[1] * x2_3 * x[3] - x0_2 * f[1] * x3_3 * x[2] - x0_2 * f[3] * x2_3 * x[1] + x[0] * x3_2 * f[2] * x1_3 - x[0] * f[3] * x2_2 * x1_3 + x[0] * x1_2 * f[3] * x2_3 - x[0] * x1_2 * f[2] * x3_3 - x[0] * f[1] * x3_2 * x2_3 + x[0] * f[1] * x2_2 * x3_3 - f[0] * x2_3 * x1_2 * x[3] + f[0] * x2_2 * x1_3 * x[3] + f[0] * x3_2 * x2_3 * x[1] - f[0] * x3_3 * x2_2 * x[1] + f[0] * x3_3 * x1_2 * x[2] - f[0] * x3_2 * x1_3 * x[2]) / (-x2_2 * x[0] * x3_3 + x2_2 * x[0] * x1_3 - x0_2 * x[3] * x2_3 + x0_2 * x3_3 * x[2] - x0_2 * x[1] * x3_3 + x0_2 * x[1] * x2_3 + x0_2 * x1_3 * x[3] - x0_2 * x1_3 * x[2] + x3_2 * x[0] * x2_3 - x3_2 * x[0] * x1_3 + x[3] * x2_3 * x1_2 - x3_2 * x2_3 * x[1] + x3_3 * x2_2 * x[1] - x3_3 * x[2] * x1_2 + x[0] * x3_3 * x1_2 - x[0] * x2_3 * x1_2 - x0_3 * x3_2 * x[2] - x0_3 * x[3] * x1_2 + x0_3 * x3_2 * x[1] + x[2] * x3_2 * x1_3 - x2_2 * x[3] * x1_3 + x0_3 * x2_2 * x[3] - x0_3 * x2_2 * x[1] + x0_3 * x[2] * x1_2);
72  a[1] = (-x2_3 * x1_2 * f[0] + x3_2 * x2_3 * f[0] + x2_3 * x0_2 * f[1] + x1_2 * f[3] * x2_3 - x2_3 * x0_2 * f[3] - f[1] * x3_2 * x2_3 - f[3] * x2_2 * x1_3 - x3_3 * x2_2 * f[0] + f[1] * x2_2 * x3_3 + x2_2 * x1_3 * f[0] - f[1] * x2_2 * x0_3 + f[3] * x2_2 * x0_3 - x1_3 * x3_2 * f[0] - x0_2 * x1_3 * f[2] - f[3] * x0_3 * x1_2 + f[1] * x3_2 * x0_3 + x1_2 * f[2] * x0_3 + x3_3 * f[0] * x1_2 - x3_2 * f[2] * x0_3 - f[1] * x3_3 * x0_2 + x0_2 * x3_3 * f[2] - x1_2 * f[2] * x3_3 + x3_2 * f[2] * x1_3 + x0_2 * x1_3 * f[3]) / (-x[3] + x[2]) / (-x2_2 * x0_2 * x[3] - x2_2 * x[1] * x3_2 + x2_2 * x1_2 * x[3] + x2_2 * x[0] * x3_2 - x2_2 * x[0] * x1_2 + x2_2 * x0_2 * x[1] + x[2] * x[0] * x1_3 + x[2] * x0_3 * x[3] - x[2] * x0_3 * x[1] - x[2] * x1_3 * x[3] - x[2] * x0_2 * x3_2 + x[2] * x1_2 * x3_2 - x[2] * x[3] * x[0] * x1_2 + x[2] * x[3] * x0_2 * x[1] + x0_3 * x1_2 - x0_2 * x1_3 + x[3] * x[0] * x1_3 - x[3] * x0_3 * x[1] - x3_2 * x[0] * x1_2 + x3_2 * x0_2 * x[1]);
73  a[2] = -(-x1_3 * f[3] * x[2] + x1_3 * f[2] * x[3] + x1_3 * x[0] * f[3] + x1_3 * f[0] * x[2] - x1_3 * x[0] * f[2] - x1_3 * f[0] * x[3] + f[3] * x2_3 * x[1] - f[3] * x0_3 * x[1] - x[1] * x2_3 * f[0] + x[1] * f[2] * x0_3 + x3_3 * f[0] * x[1] - x3_3 * f[2] * x[1] + f[1] * x[3] * x0_3 - f[1] * x[0] * x3_3 - x3_3 * f[0] * x[2] + x3_3 * x[0] * f[2] - f[2] * x0_3 * x[3] + x2_3 * f[0] * x[3] + f[1] * x3_3 * x[2] - f[1] * x2_3 * x[3] + x2_3 * x[0] * f[1] - x2_3 * x[0] * f[3] + f[3] * x0_3 * x[2] - x[2] * f[1] * x0_3) / (x[3] * x2_2 - x3_2 * x[2] + x[1] * x3_2 - x[1] * x2_2 - x1_2 * x[3] + x1_2 * x[2]) / (-x[2] * x[1] * x[3] + x[1] * x[2] * x[0] - x0_2 * x[1] + x[1] * x[3] * x[0] + x[2] * x[3] * x[0] + x0_3 - x0_2 * x[2] - x0_2 * x[3]);
74  a[3] = (x[0] * f[3] * x1_2 - x0_2 * x[3] * f[2] + x2_2 * x[0] * f[1] + x0_2 * f[3] * x[2] - x3_2 * f[2] * x[1] - f[0] * x3_2 * x[2] - f[3] * x[2] * x1_2 - x2_2 * x[0] * f[3] - f[0] * x2_2 * x[1] + f[3] * x2_2 * x[1] + x0_2 * f[1] * x[3] + x[2] * x3_2 * f[1] - x0_2 * f[1] * x[2] + f[0] * x[2] * x1_2 + x[3] * f[2] * x1_2 + f[0] * x3_2 * x[1] + x3_2 * x[0] * f[2] - x[0] * f[2] * x1_2 - f[0] * x[3] * x1_2 - x0_2 * x[1] * f[3] + x0_2 * x[1] * f[2] + f[0] * x2_2 * x[3] - x2_2 * x[3] * f[1] - x3_2 * x[0] * f[1]) / (-x2_2 * x[0] * x3_3 + x2_2 * x[0] * x1_3 - x0_2 * x[3] * x2_3 + x0_2 * x3_3 * x[2] - x0_2 * x[1] * x3_3 + x0_2 * x[1] * x2_3 + x0_2 * x1_3 * x[3] - x0_2 * x1_3 * x[2] + x3_2 * x[0] * x2_3 - x3_2 * x[0] * x1_3 + x[3] * x2_3 * x1_2 - x3_2 * x2_3 * x[1] + x3_3 * x2_2 * x[1] - x3_3 * x[2] * x1_2 + x[0] * x3_3 * x1_2 - x[0] * x2_3 * x1_2 - x0_3 * x3_2 * x[2] - x0_3 * x[3] * x1_2 + x0_3 * x3_2 * x[1] + x[2] * x3_2 * x1_3 - x2_2 * x[3] * x1_3 + x0_3 * x2_2 * x[3] - x0_3 * x2_2 * x[1] + x0_3 * x[2] * x1_2);
75  }
77  // Use the x- and y-points to make the interpolation
78  void make_interpolation(const std::vector<double> &x, const std::vector<T> &p) {
79  // Generate interior polynomial coeffs
80  for (int i=1; i<=npt-3; ++i) {
81  double mid = (x[i] + x[i+1])*0.5;
82  double y[4] = {x[i-1]-mid,x[i]-mid,x[i+1]-mid,x[i+2]-mid};
83  a[i*5] = mid;
84  cubic_fit(y, &p[i-1], &a[i*5+1]);
85  }
87  // Fixup end points
88  for (int j=0; j<5; ++j) {
89  a[j] = a[5+j];
90  a[5*npt-5+j] = a[5*npt-10+j] = a[5*npt-15+j];
91  }
92  }
94 public:
95  CubicInterpolationTable() : lo(0.0), hi(-1.0), h(0.0), rh(0.0), npt(0) {}
97  template <typename functionT>
98  CubicInterpolationTable(double lo, double hi, int npt, const functionT &f)
99  : lo(lo), hi(hi), h((hi-lo)/(npt-1)), rh(1.0/h), npt(npt), a(npt*5) {
101  // Evaluate the function to be interpolated
102  std::vector<T> p(npt);
103  std::vector<double> x(npt);
104  for (int i=0; i<npt; ++i) {
105  x[i] = lo + i*h;
106  p[i] = f(x[i]);
107  }
109  make_interpolation(x, p);
110  }
112  CubicInterpolationTable(double lo, double hi, int npt, const std::vector<T> &y)
113  : lo(lo), hi(hi), h((hi-lo)/(npt-1)), rh(1.0/h), npt(npt), a(npt*5) {
115  if((int)y.size() < npt)
116  throw "Insufficient y-points";
118  std::vector<double> x(npt);
119  for(int i = 0; i < npt; ++i)
120  x[i] = lo + i*h;
122  make_interpolation(x, y);
123  }
125  T operator()(double y) const {
126  T y1;
127  int i = int((y-lo)*rh);
128  if (i<0 || i>=npt) throw "Out of range point";
129  i *= 5;
130  y1 = y - a[i];
131  T yy = y1*y1;
132  return (a[i+1] + y1*a[i+2]) + yy*(a[i+3] + y1*a[i+4]);
133  }
135  template <typename functionT>
136  double err(const functionT& f) const {
137  double maxabserr = 0.0;
138  double h7 = h/7.0;
139  for (int i=0; i<7*npt; ++i) {
140  double x = lo + h7*i;
141  T fit = (*this)(x);
142  T exact = f(x);
143  maxabserr = std::max(fabs(fit-exact),maxabserr);
144  }
145  return maxabserr;
146  }
149 };
void make_interpolation(const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< T > &p)
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:78
static void cubic_fit(const double *x, const T *f, T *a)
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:67
T operator()(double y) const
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:125
NDIM & f
Definition: mra.h:2179
Function< double, 3 > functionT
Definition: DFcode/
virtual ~CubicInterpolationTable()
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:148
FLOAT fit(const FLOAT &x, const vector< FLOAT > &p)
CubicInterpolationTable(double lo, double hi, int npt, const std::vector< T > &y)
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:112
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:95
const T1 &f1 return GTEST_2_TUPLE_() T(f0, f1)
#define max(a, b)
Definition: lda.h:53
CubicInterpolationTable(double lo, double hi, int npt, const functionT &f)
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:98
const mpreal fabs(const mpreal &v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
Definition: mpreal.h:2187
double err(const functionT &f) const
Definition: interpolation_1d.h:136
An class for 1-D data interpolation based on cubic polynomials.
Definition: interp.h:43