MADNESS  version 0.9
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NmadnessHolds machinery to set up Functions/FuncImpls using various Factories and Interfaces
 NmuNamespace for mathematical applications
 CAtomAbstract Atom class
 CAtomicBasisRepresents multiple shells of contracted gaussians on a single center
 CAtomicBasisFunctionUsed to represent one basis function from a shell on a specific center
 CAtomicBasisSetContracted Gaussian basis
 CContractedGaussianShellRepresents a single shell of contracted, Cartesian, Gaussian primitives
 CCorePotentialRepresents a core potential
 CCubicInterpolationTableAn class for 1-D data interpolation based on cubic polynomials
 CDBFA d basis function
 CDirichletCondIntOpThe operator needed for solving for $u$ with GMRES
 CExampleClass1Every class should be documented (this is the brief line)
 CExampleClass2Brief documentation of second example class in group
 Cgauss_functionGauss_function structure is needed to mimic noise
 CGaussianBFAbstract Gaussian basis function. Must be overriden to specify angular momenta (s, p, d, etc.)
 CHydrogenHydrogen atom
 CMolecularVolumeExponentialSwitchSwitches between positive values Vint and Vext with special log derivative
 CMolecularVolumeExponentialSwitchLogGradReturns the requested component of the derivative of the log of MolecularVolumeExponentialSwitch
 CMolecularVolumeExponentialSwitchReciprocalComputes the reciprocal of MolecularVolumeExponentialSwitch
 CNO_DEFAULTSDisables default copy constructor and assignment operators
 CnoiseTry to create noise using random gauss functions
 CPBFA p basis function
 CrootPOD holding excitation energy and response vector for a single excitation
 CSBFAn s basis function
 CTipMoleculeSetup the tip-molecule problem
 Cxc_functionalClass to compute the energy functional
 Cxc_lda_potentialCompute the spin-restricted LDA potential using unaryop (only for the initial guess)
 Cxc_potentialClass to compute terms of the potential
 CXCfunctionalSimplified interface to XC functionals